
Frequently Asked Questions

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Purchases & Refunds

We allow payments via credit cards and PayPal. If your payment information is not valid or our backend system suspects it is fraud, it will reject it. Try another method, and if it still failed, contact us.

Although our general terms of service has a no-refund policy, we generally honor refund policies as long as the user has not downloaded course materials and has not gone through a major portion of the course content. Please contact us if you want a refund.

Go to a certain course’s page, click buy course, and once inside the buy page, you have the option to enter a coupon. Keep in mind that each course has its own coupons.

Using Courses

Most of our advanced courses require ID verification. You have to submit your photo ID to our system to be verified by our administrators before you can purchase these courses. For more information about how we handle your ID see our privacy policy.

We generally do not send email unless it is for security notices in our system. If you are receiving unsolicited emails and suspect it is from Exdemy, please contact us. You can unsubscribe from our newsletter via the link at the bottom of the emails that you receive.

Courses that require ID verification will take a while to be individualized and watermarked for you. Once your purchase the course, our system starts generating your course content. This process typically takes 10 minutes to several hours. You should be able to access any of the content that is generated in the meanwhile (typically the first few lectures). If you have waited more than an hour and your course materials are still not available, please contact us.

Once you log in to Exdemy, you will see a list of your courses. Click on a course to go to its page. From this course page, you should be able to see a curriculum of the course, and by clicking on individual lectures, you should be able to start watching them.

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