
Exdemy DRM™

The signature feature of exdemy.com learning platform is its cutting-edge digital rights management (DRM) technology. This DRM ensures that course content is not accidentally or intentionally leaked by a careless student, ensuring a steady revenue stream for the instructors, especially when it comes to advanced courses that have a higher price point.

Our DRM automatically watermarks and adds trace vectors to multimedia, PDF, executables, HTML and source code, enabling us to track who consumes each resource and who a potentially leaked resource belongs to. On top of that, our DRM watermarks multimedia training material with a verified photo ID of the student, effectively incentivizing the student to take the responsibility of protecting and not sharing the content.



Exdemy Transcode And Store™

On top of our DRM technology, we employ a cutting-edge infrastructure to automatically transcode and store course content for each student. The transcode and store infrastructure allows a seamless training experience for the user while enabling our DRM technology to work flawlessly.


Double-Verified™ Purchases

Finally, exdemy uses Double-Verified technology to verify all course purchases. Because exdemy intents to provide a platform for advanced courses, it is vital that we verify financial transactions and make sure they are performed by the same student account already verified by administration. Double-Verified reduces the chance of charge-backs and fradulent transactions, further decreasing the chances of training content being obtained by unauthorized parties and then leaked.